Its is Christmas Eve on the construction site and so we spent some time preparing for tonight's anticipated visitor to the site.
Alex , with more than 15 years of site experience, briefs the office team on what to expect based on his previous experiences with this complex site management issue.
Developing a clear understanding in such a cross cultural environment can often pose a challenge, today was no exception.
A clear understanding that Santa Claus ( or சாண்டா in Tamil) can be lent tools and use the rest area if requested is established.

Jasmine, our architectural coordinator clarifies the exact architectural needs of the sleigh with the the site team.
Will his sleigh fit in the central courtyard? - Luckily we can call the surveyor to find out. How long exactly is a sleigh?
Safety First - Ganasan from the Safety team processes the paperwork for working at height > 2 m. Not even Santa is immune from the Workplace Health and Safety Act.

There were concerns raised early in the day about the ability of the new courtyard structure to hold the weight of the laden sleight. Luckily being so close to the equator, the sleigh is likely to only be half full on arrival at UWCSEA. Just to be sure Noel and Prem, our engineers, made some detailed structural calculations.

We are currently rebuilding the road and its down to one lane. So as part of our risk management approach, the traffic team spent some time familiarising themselves with the sleigh so as to ensure some VIP treatment in the present congested road conditions.
A distinctly local flavour to the refreshments on offer to Santa and his reindeer's on arrival at our sites. We hope he likes Mama noodles and 3 in 1 coffee as much as we do.

Finally before we go to bed we put up our stocking

Which in the middle of a tropical storm is easier said than done. I wouldn't want to be flying in this sort of weather.
Socking finally hung and now time to sit back and let things take their natural course.
“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”